Due to severe weather that impacted our area, our business' phone system is only operational during our normal business hours, M - F from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Attempting to contact us outside of our business hours will result in an automated message indicating our number is not available or invalid. Thank you for your patience while we continue to work to resolve this issue.

Florida Relay Customer Profile

With Florida Relay you are able to fill out your own customer profile. This allows us to store your call preferences, and expedites call processing. Some items you can add to your profile include:
  • Frequently dialed numbers
  • Emergency numbers
  • Preferred carrier of choice
  • Customer notes
  • Other personal preferences

The relay user will have the flexibility of updating their user preferences as needed. User information is confidential and secure.

If you are a TRS (TTY, Caption Phone) user, select this form:

TRS Customer Profile Form
TRS Customer Profile Form (Spanish)

If you are a STS (Speech to Speech) user, select this form:

STS Customer Profile Form (Spanish)
STS Customer Profile Form

Once you have downloaded and completed the selected form, please send it to the following address for processing:

T-Mobile Accessibility Care
6220 Sprint Parkway
Overland Park, KS 66251-8200

If you need help completing either form, please contact Florida Customer Service 866-462-6509 (Voice/TTY), 800-855-2886 (Spanish), 866-931-9027 (VCO) or 877-877-3291 (Fax). All the information you provide will be kept confidential. For additional customer service contact information please see below.